Adding Sales… And Sharing Them!

posted in: General | 7

Up until this point users could add non-craigslist yard sales to their map using the “Add Location” search feature (which can also be used to map other useful stops like coffee or bathroom breaks).  This information would be exclusive to … Continued

Fixing Incorrect Listings

posted in: General | 2

One of the problems that I have struggled with while working on this site is the bad address issue.  There might be 195 different “105 Elm St.”s out there so which one do I map? I am constantly working to … Continued

Radius, Search, and Unmappables

posted in: General | 2

This week I have a short list of things to add/fix. There were dozens of comments regarding the map advertisement blocking sale content.  I have moved the ad to the bottom of the screen.  Let me know if this does … Continued

Route Optimization

posted in: General | 2

One feature that is painfully absent from any of these kind of mapping web pages is route optimization.  The map should tell you what the fastest route is rather than let you drive in circles and backtracking to hit the … Continued