Android App

posted in: General | 14

I have just uploaded the Yard Sale Treasure Map Android App (v1.2) to the Android market. This has been a rocky start since I do not yet own an Android, which makes it extremely difficult to properly test the thing. My apologies if you downloaded the app earlier this week (v1.0 or v1.1), because I’m pretty sure that it didn’t work for you. I am sort of kind of maybe a little bit confident that my latest fixes will let folks see the sales.

If you do experience problems, please drop me a note below or by email. Otherwise I may not know that a problem exists!

14 Responses

  1. Angela

    Just found your site and will be trying it out on sat. makes me want to go get a smart phone to use it ‘live’

  2. HappyCamper

    WOW – what a great idea!! I just found your site, I haven’t used it yet, but already can see how this is just going to be an amazing time saver!! You are a genius!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!

  3. Rick

    Please increase size of screen to use with tablets too. Very nice app!

  4. john

    This is the best app. But since lastest update I can not see map or streets. Google maps work fine so I am thinking something in this lastest update. Using HTC Android Eris


  5. shelli starkey

    I have been wanting something like this for SOME time!! Awesome!! But I did just notice that for the sales that I “added”, I did put in the “info” about the sale(s), and when I select the marker for it on my pc, it DOES show the info. However, on my iphone, it does not show the info OR the address…it just says “custom marker”….which is really a bummer…when you’re out there scouting how and where to make best use of your time…you really need that info. Maybe I’m doing it wrong? Thoughts?

  6. john r findley

    Love the idea. The app store won’t let me download the app. Says not compatible with my device. Motorola “citrus” running Android 2.1.1. Is there a way to run this app?

  7. admin

    John, my own phone was running 2.1.1 until last month and things worked fine for me, so I’m not sure what to tell you. I did verify that the app should run on all Android 2.1+ devices. If I come across anything I will let you know.

  8. Lynda Ballinger

    This doesn’t seem to work in my area 62301, how could I get our area to use this. Is there a way our local newspaper could enter these so it would work with your app?

  9. Toni C.

    Great website- saves a lot of time and frustration trying to map out all the yardsales from craigslists and other sites. Many thanks!

  10. mike

    I have been using ystm on my daughters ipod for a year now and love it. Thanks.

    I now have a onda vi10 tablet (android ics) and app store won’t let it load. Any suggestion?

  11. marie

    I used this app this weekend, but noticed there is no Monday or Tuesday for days to switch to. Plus when you open app it would be nice if it would update to current day it is instead of having to choose the day, which I can not because it is Monday and there is no Monday in app to choose. Thanks, great idea and worked good.

  12. steve

    For the past few months I do not get the numbers for each sale when I view my personally create route? I plan on my computer and then send to my Android phone. Without the numbers it makes following the route tough. The app always used to have numbers?
    I hope this is something that can be fixed because this is one of my most used and valued apps.

  13. Phil G

    I use to love this app but latley it just flat out does not work I have an android phone . I also have acess to a iphone . Does not seem to work on either . Could it be something going on with google . Please respond . This really sucks